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이번 주부터 우리 오후 5시 30분에 만나요!

그런데 2월 12일 일요일에는 제가 5시 30분에 시간이 안 돼요. 우리 그 날만 2시로 다시 바꿔요. 정말 미안해요. 그리고 아직 Google Classroom에 가입하지 않았으면 아래 링크를 눌러서 가입해 주세요! Google Classroom에 2월 5일 수업 자료 올렸어요. 감사합니다. 일요일에 만나요! Hello, Starting from this coming Sunday (February 5), our class time is 5:30 - 7:50 PM. But I will have to ask all of you a favor to change it back to 2 o'clock on Super Bowl Sunday.. I am so sorry but I knew this was going to happen... Let's talk more about this in the next class! And if you have not yet joined our Google Classroom, please do so by clicking the link below or entering the class code. I posted the lesson slides for this coming Sunday: everything is the same as the last week's except for pages 10-15 - these pages were added newly. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks. -- Jane Kim

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