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[Adult Class] Week 11


1. Honorific language [께서 = 이/가]를 복습했어요.

2. Honorific language: verb 를 복습했어요.

3. Honorific language: special verbs 를 복습하고 추가된 동사 (verb)를 배웠어요.

- 먹다, 마시다 -> 드시다

- 있다 -> 계시다

- 자다 -> 주무시다

- 말하다 -> 말씀하시다

- 아프다 -> 편찮으시다

- 죽다 -> 돌아가시다

- 물어보다 -> 여쭤보다

4. Honorific language: verb conjugation 를 복습했어요.

- present tense: 시다 -> 세요

- past tense: 시다 -> 셨어요

- future tense: 시다 -> 실 거예요

5. Honorific language: special nouns를 배웠어요.

- 집 -> 댁

- 이름 -> 성함

- 생일 -> 생신

- 나이 -> 연세

- 밥 -> 진지

Homework worksheet is attached and also uploaded on Google Classroom.


As discussed, KAAM is planning to open an in-person class for adults next semester. We will continue with the online class and we are adding one more adult class for an in-person option if more than 4 people sign up for in-person class.

In-person class will meet every Sunday, 1-4 PM.

You CAN take both classes if the online meets on a different day and there will be a $20 discount for taking two courses.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

As I already mentioned, next Sunday (Nov 12) is technically our last lesson.

그럼, 다음 주 일요일 오후 4시에 도서관에서 만나요!


-- Jane Kim

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