Sept. 22nd 2019
Lesson 3. Verb Conjugation (동사 변형)
1. Basic "요" form conjugation rules
2. Verb endings (~네요, ~지요/죠, ~잖아요, ~고요, ~거든요, ~ 군요, ~나요)
3. Apply various verb endings in everyday conversation (일상 대화 예시)
4. 사자성어 - 작심삼일
*여러분, 한글 공부 작심삼일로 끝내지 말고, 꾸준히 공부하세요!
; I hope you will study Korean continuously instead of 작심삼일 (giving up after 3 days of trial).
I attached the conjugation 요 form "answer key." Please check the answers and practice while speaking out loud. By speaking out loud, it will become more natural to you. Practice with your friends!