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OK Friends Homecoming Youth Camp (Online)

Participants recruitment for the 2021 OKFriends Homecoming Youth Camp

The 2021 OKFriendss Homecoming Youth Camp (Online), hosted by the Overseas Koreans Foundation under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and organized by the YMCA Busan, is held as an online-based event due to Covid-19. Come join the online homecoming camp to become embraced by the Korean community, promote national ties, share your culture and communicate with each other.

◌ Event Name: 2021 OKFriends Homecoming Youth Camp (Online)

◌ Target audience: Around 500 overseas Korean university students around the world (youth aged 18-25 years as of September 1, 2021)

※ Taking the different academic system by country into account, prospective students who are 18 years old can choose youth camp or university students camp.

◌ Who can apply: Overseas Korean university students

- who have been lawfullyliving in foreign countries for more than 5 years

‧ citizenshipor denizenship, Korean citizen, adoptees and children of adoptees, children of multicultural families

‧ who are Descendants of independence fighters, descendants of Koryo-saram, Korean-Chinese

‧ who are willing to contribute to the overseas Koreans community and have outstanding volunteering records in the Korean community, etc.

◌ Camp method: Real-time interactive online training using the OKF platform

◌ Training period:

- 1st session – Sun, Sep 26 – Sun, Oct 3, 2021 / CIS - 2nd session – Sun, Oct 10 – Sun, Oct 17, 2021 / Americas - 3rd session – Sun, Oct 31 – Sun, Nov 7, 2021 / Asia & Other region

※ As the camp is online-based, the sessions are classified as region due to the time difference but participants can choose the session as they wish.

※ For the online camp, unlike offline, programs are 0.5–1hr on weekdays and 1.5-2hrs on weekends so that participants are able to join even during a semester.

◌ Registration period: Wed, Jun.23 – Tue, Agu. 20, 2021 in KST

◌ How to Register: Access to and create an account to apply for participation

※ For more information, please refer to the Overseas Koreans Foundation website (

◌ Training expenses: Online training – 100% free

◌ Benefits for participants: certificates for participants, special points for outstanding participants and selection of excellent participants

◌ Benefits for excellent participant

- Up to 20% extra airfare support when participating in the camp next year

(basic support of 50% airfare, details to be announced on the website)

- Preferentially selected for the camp next year

Please check a promotional video and newsletter attached.

If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you.



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