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[초등1반] 제4주 수업

수업일: 2023. 2. 19(일) 2:00-4:40

Dear Parents,

We had a fun day today. We also practiced writing a lot. Their reading is better than writing, but I am sure their writing skills will be following soon once they master reading first.

1st hour:

- 아야어여. 가갸거겨~하햐허혀: Reading several times consonants and vowels.

- ㄹ 들어가는 글 읽고 쓰기: 라디오로 음악을 들어요, 얼음은 차가워요. 나는 불고기를 좋아해요

- 아리랑 가사 읽고 노래 부르기

2nd hour:

- 모두 다 꽃이야 가사 읽고 노래 부르기

- 구름빵 가사 읽고 노래 부르기, ㄹ 들어가는 글 찾아 읽기

- 할머니의 시계 1 읽기

3rd hour:

- Introduction to Korean traditional outfits

- Coloring and decorating Korean traditional outfit designs

See you next week.

Ms. Nami



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