수업일: 2022. 10. 2(일) 2:00-4:40
한글학교 수업 6차:
1교시: 이제까지 배운것 자음 모음 복습, 쉬운 글 읽기
2교시: 쉬운 문장 읽기, 아리랑 노래 읽고 따라 부르기
3교시: 태권도
Notes: 따라 쓰기 숙제
Korean Language Class #6:
1st Hour: We reviewed all the consonants and vowels. We read easy words.
2nd Hour: We read and wrote ten very simple sentences. Read A Ri Rang song and sang together.
3rd Hour: Tae Kwon Do outside
Notes: There is a homework to copy letters that we learned.
See you next Sunday! Thanks!
Ms. Nami