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Feb 5
[Adult Class] Week 2 (2/4)
안녕하세요! It was good to see you yesterday! Sorry for the so many attachments, but here are: - class notes - slides - updated class schedule...
Jan 30
[Adult Class] Week 1 (1/28)
안녕하세요! It was nice meeting you all on Sunday! I thought I'd write to remind you of what was being discussed during our 1st day of class...
Jan 24
[Adult Class] Spring 2024
안녕하세요! Hello all!! Welcome to Korean Class Spring 2024! My name is Yuna and I'll be teaching the Adult Korean class (zoom) this semester!...
Nov 15, 2023
[Adult Class] Week 12
안녕하세요. 1. Review and practice on honorific language 2. '할머니, 할아버지와 저녁을 먹어요' 책을 읽었어요. 책 파일을 첨부할게요. (첨부하다 = to attach) 읽기 연습을 해 보세요....
Nov 7, 2023
[Adult Class] Week 11
안녕하세요. 1. Honorific language [께서 = 이/가]를 복습했어요. 2. Honorific language: verb 를 복습했어요. 3. Honorific language: special verbs 를 복습하고 추가된 동사...
Oct 31, 2023
[Adult Class] Week 10
안녕하세요. 1. 이전의 질문 단어를 복습하고 새로운 질문 단어를 배웠어요. - '네/아니요' 질문 - 뭐: what - 어느: which - 무슨: what kind of - 누구: who/whose - 어디: where - go with...
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