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Apr 3, 2023
[초등1반] 제10주 수업
수업일: 2023. 4. 2(일) 2:00-4:40 Dear Parents, We finally have completed the Korean alphabets ㄱㄴㄷㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ with simple words that...
Mar 22, 2023
[초등1반] 제8주 수업
수업일: 2023. 3. 19(일) 2:00-4:40 Dear parents, We practiced writing a lot this week. 1교시 1st hour: - 가나다라 부터 하햐허혀 까지: 한 번 읽고 시작 - 자 와 차 로 된...
Mar 12, 2023
[초등1반] 제7주 수업
수업일: 2023. 3. 12(일) 2:00-4:40 Dear parents! All day today, Ms. Nami had a very busy schedule of Reena(her daughter)'s dance performance...
Feb 26, 2023
[초등1반] 제5주 수업
수업일: 2023. 2. 26(일) 2:00-4:40 Dear parents, The kids' Korean reading skills are coming along pretty well so far. 1st hour: - 아야어여오요우유으이...
Feb 19, 2023
[초등1반] 제4주 수업
수업일: 2023. 2. 19(일) 2:00-4:40 Dear Parents, We had a fun day today. We also practiced writing a lot. Their reading is better than...
Feb 14, 2023
[초등1반] 제3주 수업
수업일: 2023. 2. 12(일) 2:00-4:40 Dear Parents, I am sorry for my late notification. As I have two little children myself, I have been very...
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